Mini Art School Part 1 (C)

 1. The poster grasps its audience attention immediately. The message is made clear by having "tryouts" in all caps. Uses hierarchy well. 

2. The poster uses a bright gradient color that makes the design stand out. Really grabs that readers attention with such a bright color. 

3. The font stayed consistent throughout the poster. Used more of a paint spray style font on the the word "tryout" which I liked because it is the main message in this design. 

4. The poster is very detailed. The reader should be able to get all the information needed as it is made extremely clear and concise. 

5. The text color and background colors are different. 

6. The image of the player is not centered, therefore it is not in the way of content and not the center focus. 

7. One thins this poster could've done better is having a bit more white space. The only white space that was present was on the top right corner. 

8. I felt like this design used the rule of thirds effectively. The most important part of the message starts on the left side. That is where the readers primary focus are would be. 

9. Another good thing on this poster is that the player is scaled proportionally. 

10. The poster does a good job in finding a balance between imagery and copy by using one image of a football player. 


  1. This ad does a good job implementing reversed type. According to Hagen & Golombisky (2017), having too much reversed type (light text on a dark background) can make the text hard to read or “tire the eye” (p. 106). However, the reversed text in this ad was seemingly done to replicate the pattern on the player’s uniform. Also, text is used sparingly in this ad, so the reader’s eyes do not get exhausted as they read the white text. Like you, I also liked the use of the decorative font in the heading. It matches the style of the white text box underneath it and the white sections of the ad’s background. There is a small amount of trapped negative space in this ad between the right side of the text and the player’s arm. Typically, trapped negative space is considered a layout error. However, the shape of this negative space mirrors the player’s arm. This makes it appear as though there is a border of negative space outlining the player’s body and the player seems to pop off of the page as a result.

  2. This ad did a good job of making their message clear. You are right, the picture of the player being to the side of the ad makes the words stand out. Due to fonts being well diverse it grabs the reader's attention. Any questions that a person may have about this ad will get answered by just reading this ad because of the well-spaced layout. The ad also shows potential players what they can become if they attend the school and what accessories they would have. You are right about the white space, but I think the ad was trying to highlight their school's theme and make it pop more to readers. Good ad.


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